A Late Show Remote...
Dscn0873.jpgOur normal route was up 8th to 53rd. When we got to 53rd, we found the street blocked off. There was something going on with contestants from the New York Marathon that was going toIm004463.jpg happen in 2 days. Im004476.jpgUpon walking further, we find it’s not really people from the Marathon, but staffers from the Im004467.jpgLate Show in running gear, a cab with a running number and aIm004477.jpg camera filming. We proceed to watch, after getting out of the camera shot to the south side of the street. Pat, Kenny, Bill, director Jerry Foley and a few other stage people were around. Writer Steve Young was there and we talked his ear off for quite a while. The cab was trying to take over the runners as theyDscn0856.jpg ran up the street. The street was lDscn0846.jpgittered with white water cups that Pat & Kenny had thrown out and stepped on. They stepped on them because the wind would keep blowing them out of the street and into the gutter. They would get them swept out again,theIm004481.jpg scene was reset and the cups would blow back to the gutter. Steve showed us a runner’s label that was another joke…something like there were so many runners that they had one that was number  19,024,135,753,094,700,236,185,320.  Yeah, over 19 septiDscn0878.jpgllion entered. After, the Late Show team left the area in better shape than it had been all week.
Full Report with photos


      AFL Moments...    
"AFL" stands for the       alt.fan.letterman


 Anybody may visit and post to the group. (Access it at
Google .) It is generally a number of fans of David Letterman & anything "Dave."
The group does focus on the Late Show for the most part. There are members that have made names for themselves, for various reasons. We saw a number of different signs and objects that reminded us of some of the group and of material on the LS.   


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